Who is this guy???

Its me lah!! The owner of this website!


Name: Tan Tze Ming, Jeremy (Chen2 Zhi4 Min3)

Sex: Male LAH!

Age: 25

Birthday: Same as Harry Potter

Location: Singapore

Occupation: Engineer with DSTA


Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University

Masters of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University

Primary ~ Tertiary Education

Tao Nan School, Raffles Institution, Temasek Junior College


My resume can be found here in MSWORD format.


Yeah! I ain't takin' crap from nobody!!!!

Favourite Activities

Computers(games and otherwise), Basketball, Badminton, Sailing, Diving, Playstation 2, Reading, Cars, music, Art









Webpage created and maintained by Jeremy Tan. To return to the land of the carnasaurs, click here.